Sunday, 15 July 2012

Project of two laning with paved shoulders of Raibareilly – Jaunpur section of NH - 231 in Uttar Pradesh

The Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure today approved the  proposal for the development of the two laning with paved  shoulders of ‘Raibarelly – Jaunpur’ section on NH - 231 in Uttar Pradesh under NHDP  Phase IV on DBFOT basis in BOT (Annuity) mode of delivery. 
          The total cost estimated of the project will be Rs.647 .98 crore out of which Rs.78.62 crore will be for land acquisition, resettlement and rehabilitation  and preconstruction and Rs.569.36 crore will be for construction.
          The total length of the project will be 166.40 km and the  concession period will be 17 years including the construction period of 24 months.
          The  main object of the project is to expedite the improvement of infrastructure in the State of Uttar Pradesh and also in reducing the time and cost of travel for traffic, particularly heavy traffic, playing between  Raibareilly – Jaunpur.  It will also increase the employment  potential  for the local labourers  for the project activities.
          The project is covered in the districts of Raebareilly, CSM Nagar, Pratapgarh and Jaunpur in Uttar Pradesh.
          The Committee on Infrastructure approved in April 2006  the recommendations of the Core Group on Financing of NHDP,  thereby giving in principle approval for 2-laning of 20,000 km under NHDP  Phase-IV in four phases of implementation.   Thereafter, the Cabinet approved the  proposal in July 2008 for upgradation of 5,000 km of  single/ intermediate/ two lane National Highways to two lanes  with paved  shoulders under NHDP  Phase IV- A.
          The CCI in February 2012 approved the proposal for upgradation of 20,000 km of National Highways under NHDP Phae IV under a unified programme  (unifying the different phases of implementation of NHDP Phase IV as prioritized by the  Core Group for Financing of NHDP and as approved by the Committee on Infrastructure in April 2006 into a single scheme for upgradation/strengthening of stretches) for a length of 20,000 km under  NHDP Phase IV, subsuming the scheme already approved by the Cabinet for 5000 km under NHDP  Phase IV A. The project of ‘Raibareilly – Jaunpur’ is one of the projects approved for 2 laning with paved shoulders and included under NHDP Phase IV.

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