Saturday, 11 August 2012

Rs.14,27,220 lakh Released to States/UTS Under ICDS During 2011-12

A sum of Rs.14,27,220.33 lakh has been released to the States and UTs during 2011-12 under the ICDS scheme of the Ministry of Women and Child Development. For the year 2012-13, an amount of Rs.3,86,806.44 lakh has been released to the States and UTs, so far.
The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) Scheme is a centrally sponsored scheme implemented by the States/UTs under which ICDS Projects and Anganwadi Centres are sanctioned as per requirement projected by States and based on population norms approved by the Government. The Scheme provides a package of six services viz. supplementary nutrition, pre-school non-formal education,
nutrition and health education, immunization, health check-up and referral services. Three of the services i.e. immunization, health check-up and referral services are provided by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. 
The ICDS Scheme is universal and a self-selecting scheme and open to all. The ICDS scheme was universalized in 2008-09 and is being implemented in all the Districts and Blocks, across the country. Under the ICDS Scheme Government releases Grant-in-Aid to the States and UTs on a sharing ratio of 90:10 for all components including Supplementary Nutrition Programme [SNP] for North East and 50:50 for SNP and 90:10 for all other components for all States other than North East. 
This was stated by Smt. Krishna Tirath, Minister for Women and Child Development in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha today. 

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