Saturday, 11 August 2012

Survey to Identify the Minorities

The Working Group on ‘Empowerment of Minorities’ constituted by the Planning Commission for the formulation of 12th Five Year Plan, has suggested that the unit of planning should be Block having 25% minority population during the 12th Plan. If for any reason (say lack of data), this could not be possible, then population criterion to identify Minority Concentration Districts (MCDs) should be brought down from 25% to 15%. In case of six States where minority community is in majority, a lower cut off of 15% minority population in the block, other than that of minority community in majority in that State/UT, is proposed to be adopted.

Giving this information in written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today, Shri Vincent H. Pala, Minister of State for Minority Affairs, said that if the above criterion is adopted, a total of 10 Blocks falling in 5 districts will be eligible as Minority Concentration Blocks (MCBs) in Rajasthan as per the available data.

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